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Color and Layout customization

Store Locator by Pasilobus provides several options for tailoring the look and feel of your map and store listings.

Updated over a month ago

You can adjust colors, map style, address list position, and section padding directly within the Shopify theme editor, seeing changes in real-time before saving.

Map Style and Address List Position

  • Map Style: Choose between Standard, Light, Dark, or Satellite. Each style offers a different aesthetic, letting you align the map’s appearance with your store’s branding.

  • Address List Position: Decide if the list of store locations appears on the Left or Right side of the map. This positioning can improve readability and overall layout.

Marker Icon Options

  • Select Marker Icon: Pick an icon from the built-in options (e.g., Map Marker, Home, Store, etc.). Each icon will be displayed on the map for each store location.

Color Customization

You can fine-tune various color settings to ensure a consistent brand experience:

  1. Accent Color:
    Highlights interactive elements like buttons or certain map overlays.

  2. Marker Circle Color:
    Changes the color of the circular background behind the pin number or icon.

  3. Marker Number Color:
    Adjusts the text color on the marker circle.

  4. Text Color:
    Defines the color for text elements, such as store names or details.

  5. Card Color:
    Sets the background for any card-like elements (e.g., store detail pop-ups).

  6. Background Color:
    Determines the overall background behind the store listings and map container.

  7. Search Background Color:
    Controls the backdrop for the search input field.

  8. Search Placeholder Color:
    Alters the color of the placeholder text within the search bar.

  9. Border Color:
    Sets the outline color around various elements (e.g., the search field or store cards).

  10. Search Text Color:
    Specifies the color of typed text in the search bar.

How to Change Colors:

  1. Click the color swatch or hex value beside the label (e.g., Accent Color).

  2. Use the color picker or type a hex code (e.g., #FFFFFF) to select your desired shade.

  3. View the live preview in the theme editor to confirm your selection.

  4. Click Save once satisfied.

Section Padding

  • Top Padding & Bottom Padding:
    Control the spacing above and below the Store Locator section. Adjust the sliders or input box (measured in pixels) to create a layout that complements your overall site design.

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